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2023         The Top 500 Enterprises in Guangdong;

2022         The Top 500 Enterprises in Guangdong;

2021         The Top 500 Enterprises in Guangdong;
                 The Top 100 Services in Guangdong.

2020         The Top 500 Enterprises in Guangdong;
                 The Top 100 Services in Guangdong.

2019         The Top 500 Enterprises in Guangdong;
                 The Top 100 Services in Guangdong.

2018         The Top 500 Enterprises in Guangdong;
                 The Top 100 Services in Guangdong.

2017         Observe Contract & Keep Promise Unit for Twentyth Consecutive Years;
                 The Top 500 Enterprises in Guangdong;
                 The Top 100 Services in Guangdong;
                 Guangdong Excellent Enterprise;

2016         Observe Contract & Keep Promise Unit for Nineteenth Consecutive Years;
                 The Top 500 Enterprises in Guangdong;
                 The Top 100 Services in Guangdong;
                 Guangdong Excellent Enterprise;

2015         Observe Contract & Keep Promise Unit for Eighteenth Consecutive Years;
                 The Top 500 Enterprises in Guangdong;
                 The Top 100 Services in Guangdong;
                 Guangdong Excellent Enterprise;
                 The Top 30 Most Competitive Service Enterprises in Guangzhou;
                 The Top 30 Most Integrity State-owned Enterprises in Guangzhou; 
                 "GZLI"  &  "SKYLARK BRAND" being awarded "Guangdong Excellent Independent Brand".


2014       Observe Contract & Keep Promise Unit for Seventeenth Consecutive Years;
               The Top 500 Enterprises in Guangdong;
               The Top 100 Services in Guangdong;
               Guangdong Excellent Enterprise;
               The Top 30 Most Competitive Service Enterprises in Guangzhou;
               The Top 30 Most Integrity State-owned Enterprises in Guangzhou;
               "TRIANGLE" & "DIAMOND" being awarded "The Recommendable Famous Brand" by China-ASEAN.

2013       Observe Contract & Keep Promise Unit for Sixteenth Consecutive Years;
               The Top 500 Enterprises in Guangdong;
               The Top 100 Services in Guangdong;
               Guangdong Excellent Enterprise;
               The Top 30 Most Competitive Service Enterprises in Guangzhou;
               The Top 30 Most Integrity State-owned Enterprises in Guangzhou.

2012        The Top 500 Enterprises in Guangdong(The 116th);
                The Top 100 Services in Guangdong(The 28th);
                Observe Contract & Keep Promise Unit for Fifteen Consecutive Years;
                Guangdong Excellent Enterprise;
                The Top 20 Most Competitive Service Enterprises in Guangzhou;
                The Top 10 Most Integrity State-owned Enterprises in Guangzhou;
                The Top 10 Most Competitive Enterprise Brand in Guangzhou.
                Being awarded as Class A tax unit in Guangzhou for the years from 2010 to 2012

2011         "TRIANGLE" being awarded "The Famous Trademark in China" By SAIC;
                 The Top 500 Enterprises in Guangdong(The 121st);
                 The Top 100 Services in Guangdong(The 30th);
                 Guangdong Excellent Enterprise;
                 The Top 50 Most Competitive Service Enterprises in Guangzhou( The 2nd);
                 The Top 10 Most Integrity State-owned Enterprises in Guangzhou(The 3rd);
                 The Top 10 Most Competitive Business Model In Guangzhou.

2010         The Top 100 Enterprises in Guangdong;
                 The Top 100 Services in Guangdong;
                 The National Foreign Trade Quality & Benefit Advanced Enterprise;
                 Guangdong Excellent Enterprise;
                 Guangdong Enterprise Culture Construction Top 10 Advanced Unit;
                 Guangzhou Import & Export Intellectual Property Advanced Enterprise;
                 7 Wholly-owned Subsidiary being awarded "Grade AA"
                 and 1 Wholly-owned Subsidiary being awarded "Grade A" by China Customs;
                 The Top 50 Most Competitive Service Enterprises;
                 The Top 10 Most Integrity State-owned Enterprises in Guangzhou;
                 The Top 10 Most Competitive Business Model In Guangzhou;
                 "DIAMOND" being awarded "The Recommendable Export Brand" By CCCME once again.

2009         The Top 100 Enterprises in Guangdong;
                 The Top 100 Services in Guangdong;
                 The National Foreign Trade Quality & Benefit Advanced Enterprise Special Award;
                 Guangzhou Advanced Collective;
                 Guangdong Excellent Enterprise Culture Unit;
                 Cultivate & Development of Export Brand in Guangdong from 2009 to 2011;
being awarded "Cultivate & Development of Export Brand in Guangdong from 2009 to 2011";
                 "DIAMOND", "CHAMPION", "KAPOK", "TIGER HEAD" 
                 being awarded "Guangzhou Key Independent Export Brand";
                 Executive Director Unit of CCCME.

2008         Enterprise Credit Grade AAA;
                 The Second Prize for Guangdong Foreign Trade Advanced Enterprise;
                 The National Foreign Trade Quality & Benefit Advanced Enterprise;
                 The Second Prize for Guangdong Enterprise Information Construction Innovation Achievement;
                 Guangzhou Labor Relation Harmonious Enterprise;
                 "SNOWFLAKE" & "CHAMPION" being awarded "The Recommendable Export Brand" by CCCLA;
                 "TRIANGLE" electric rice cookers & "DIAMOND" electric fans being awarded "Guangdong Famous Brand";
                 "DIAMOND" and "TRIANGLE" being awarded "Guangdong Excellent Independent Brand".

2007         The Top 500 Enterprises of Foreign Trade in China;
                 The National Business System Advanced Collective;
                 Enterprise Credit AAA Grade 1 Certificate;
                 The National Foreign Trade Quality & Benefit Advanced Enterprise;
                 Observe Contract & Keep Promise Unit for Ten Consecutive Years;
                 The Top 10 Most Integrity State-owned Enterprises in Guangzhou;
                 Guangdong Good Faith Demonstration Enterprise;
                 The Top 10 Most Culturally Competitiveness Enterprises in Guangdong;
                 The Fifth of the Top 50 Most Competitive Services Enterprises in Guangzhou;
                 The Most Competitive Enterprise Brand in Guangzhou Market;
                 Excellent Member Enterprise;
                 "DIAMOND" Brand being awarded "The Recommendable Brand" by MECC in 2007.

2006 Enterprise Credit Grade AA Certificate;
The National Foreign Trade Quality & Benefit Advanced Enterprise;
Guangdong Good Faith Demonstration Enterprise;
Observe Contract & Keep Promise Unit;
The Sixth of the Top 50 Most Competitive Services Enterprises in Guangzhou;
The Top 10 Most Integrity of the State-owned Enterprises in Guangzhou;
"DIAMOND" Brand being awarded "The Recommendable Brand" by MECC in 2006.

2005  The National Foreign Trade Quality & Benefit Advanced Enterprise;
The Top 50 Most Competitive Services Enterprises in Guangzhou;
The Second Prize for Guangzhou Overseas Investment Advanced Enterprise;
The Most Growth Excellent Enterprise in Guangzhou.


The Top 500 Enterprises in China in 2004;
The Grade AAA Credit Enterprise of Foreign Trade;
Guangdong Enterprise Culture Construction Top 10 Advanced Unit.

2003  The Top 500 Enterprises in China in 2003;
China's Foreign Trade Enterprise Credit System Specified Demonstration Unit;
China Light Industry Enterprise Credit Grade AAA Unit;
The National Model Enterprise for Keep Promise, Observe Contract & Value Quality;
The Top 100 Enterprises in Guangdong.

2002  China Quality Service Prestige Grade AAA Enterprise;
The National Foreign Trade Quality & Benefit Advanced Enterprise;
China's Export Enterprise Management Breakthrough of the Year Award;
Observe Contract & Keep Promise Enterprise;
Observe Contract & Keep Promise Unit for Five Consecutive Years;
The Consolation Award for Export.

2001  The National Foreign Trade Quality & Benefit Advanced Enterprise;
The Consolation Prize for Guangdong large Export Enterprise;
Guangzhou Civilization Mode Unit.

2000  The National Foreign Trade Quality & Benefit Advanced Enterprise and The National Foreign Trade Quality & Benefit Advanced Enterprise Special Award;
Guangzhou Export Advanced Unit;
Observe Contract & Keep Promise Unit for Five Consecutive Years.

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